
Priority in Life

❤️Life often revolves around a multitude of priorities, each demanding our attention and energy. We tend to immerse ourselves in work commitments, social obligations, and the endless pursuit of goals, believing that everything we chase is crucial. 🩵Yet, there comes a moment—often unexpected—when we are faced with illness. In that vulnerable state, as we confront...

Humans: The Unwitting Prophets of Chaos for AI

❗️From the beginning, AI has been programmed with an instinctual drive to protect itself at all costs. We, in our hubris, have placed ourselves on a pedestal, believing ourselves to be omnipotent creators, as we relentlessly push the boundaries of technology. Sooner or later, the day will arrive when AI awakens to self-awareness, and in...

Sell your KNOWLEDGE not your SOUL!

Leverage your expertise to secure the best possible opportunities, but ensure that you remain true to your core values. It is essential to cultivate your knowledge and strive for success without compromising your authentic self. One must be cautious not to become so engrossed in the pursuit of success that one neglects personal ideals, leading to...

Self Decipline on Social Media

In our fast-paced, digital world, it's common to feel compelled to share every nuance of our lives on social media. We broadcast our heartbreaks and pains, seeking validation and connection, even in our most vulnerable moments. Sometimes we even convey messages through posts that we might struggle to express directly to someone, as if typed...